Third Grade News

The monthly newsletter for Parents and Students March 2000


Reading is Cool!

Our third graders have been busy readers this semester. There is a prize for the first student who reaches their goal of three books a month. Last months winner was Kristen Star, who reached her goal first and has already started her next set of books. Come on students you can do it, we are proud of all of you. Keep up the GOOD WORK!


Field Trip to the Museum!

Attention student's money for next week's field trip is due by February 29, 2000. Please be sure to get your permission slips signed and turned in by that day too. Also, any parents wanting to join us are welcomed, but be sure to inform us ahead of time so we can provide space. Lunches will be provided. TBA.


It's Almost Spring!

Those cold winter days will soon be over. Spring is almost here and it's time for the beautiful flowers to start blooming, and new life to begin. Don't forget to bring seeds to plant, so we can watch them grow throughout the semester. We will also be planning more outside activities so we can enjoy the beautiful spring weather.



Saint Patrick's Day!

Don't forget to wear green! Saint Patrick's Day is almost here. March 17th is Saint Patrick's Day. We'll be making shamrock's for good luck, and searching for a leprechaun's pot of gold. Parents don't forget this day is a shortened day, students will be dismissed at 12:15.




The third graders are hosting their first bake sale to raise money for their class library. The money will be used to purchase books for the student's in-class library for them to check out. Expanding the library will also help students to reach their three books a month goal. Parents are asked to bake or buy a yummy treat. Your cooperation is needed. The bake sale will be Friday, March 31st during the lunch period.

Karen Wright 3/5

Anthony Wade 3/9

Samantha King 3/18

Ryan Smith3/31









Reminder! Parents don't forget that at the end of every month we celebrate each child’s birthday in that month. We ask that you bring a treat to class to help us celebrate. We will be doing this Monday, March 27th at the end of class. You are welcomed to join us.



Science Fair

Our annual science fair is almost here! Student's were asked a few months ago to think of a project, and should have been preparing it. The science fair will be held at the end of the year and every student should have a project entered. Parents are asked to only help the students. Each project will be judged. Parent's and family members are asked to attend. It will be held Friday, May 26 at 7:00 p.m. in the gym.






Reminder to parents: For those whose daughter’s are trying out cheering leading, the practice will be held from 3:15-4:00, so pick them up at that time. Thank you.







Cheerleader try out’s are this month. Girls if you want to give it a shot, meet in the gym after school on Monday, March 27th. Each girl will be given a far shot, and the final pick will be listed a week after the tryout’s. So try out if you think got what it take’s to support our school at their big games. SHOUT!!



For the Parent’s

The parent-teacher conference as been cancelled. Please look out for the new date. We truly apologize for any inconvenience.



Reminders for this Month

  • Permission slips and money for field trip due by 2/29
  • Saint Patrick’s Day. Don’t forget to wear green. 12:15 dismissal. 3/17
  • Class birthday party for March. 3/27
  • Cheerleader tryout’s.3/27
  • Third grade bake sale. 3/31
  • Time to finish up this month’s three books.

